OpenAstro Tracker

DIY equatorial mount

OpenAstroTracker is an equatorial mount which “compensates for Earth’s rotation by having one rotational axis parallel to the Earth’s axis of rotation”. You can mount a camera (mostly a DLSR or DSLM) on top of it and it rotates with the same speed as our earth rotation in order to remove stars movement relatively to the camera and allow longer... [Read More]


Do you want to build a snowman ?

OpenSCAD is software for creating solid 3D CAD (computer aided design) models. Unlike most software for creating 3D models (such as Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. It is an application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts. Blockscad3D is... [Read More]